16 May FGGM Pepper Gate Open
by Stuart Title
Local knowledge can be a beautiful thing, so here is some. Fort Meade has a gate to the Post located in the Odenton Town Center Core only a couple of blocks (one New York block) from the MARC station. It is exclusively for pedestrian access either walking or biking. You do need a Fort Meade Gate Access Security Card used at the other gates in order to gain access. It’s a great way to get those steps in, beat the traffic, and enjoy the historic area of the Fort Meade Campus. From Annapolis Road turn south onto Town Center Boulevard, follow to a T in the road and turn right onto Odenton Road. Follow around past the Hideaway restaurant, until you get to the gate on your left. Please remember there is no parking in this area near the gate. The closest parking without getting towed is MARC parking…just a few more steps. Enjoy the benefits of this local tip!